First Presbyterian Church of Stockbridge
The First Presbyterian Church of Stockbridge
101 South Center Street P.O. Box 62
Stockbridge, MI 49285
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About Us

The First Presbyterian Church of Stockbridge was originally established in 1896. The original church was destroyed by fire. Temporary services were joined with Unadilla First Presbyterian Church in Gregory. In 1902, a new structure was completed and still sits today at the corner of Main Street and Center Stree in downtown Stockbridge. We sit directory behind the historic Stockbridge Township hall. 

The operation of the church is under the guidance of the churches elected officers

Session (Ruling Elders):

Clerk of Session: Jean Buurma

Pastor: Dr. Rev. Deborah J. Smith

     Class of 2016 - Linda Dancer

                                 Joel Fillmore

                                 Jon Fillmore

     Class of 2017 - Tracy Bumpus

                                 Kate Dancer

                                 Tom Taylor


     Class of 2016 - Rebecca Dancer

                                 Ella Love

                                 John Love

                                 Steve Zalen, Treasurer

     Class of 2017 - Kaitlin Powell, Secretary

                                Stan Daily

                                Susan Daily

                                Christian Powell, Moderator


     Buildings & Grounds: Co-Chairs, Linda Dancer & Tom Taylor

               Electronics Committee: Chair, Joel Fillmore; Members, Dave Avery, Linda Dancer

               Capital Campaign Committee: Chair, Kate Dancer

     Christian Education: Chair/Superintendent, Linda Dancer; Members, Cynthia Avery, Jean Buurma

     Congregational Care: Chair, Tracy Bumpus; Members,  Joel Fillmore, Andrea Stickney

     Finance: Co-Chairs Kate Dancer, Jon Fillmore; Members, Cynthia Avery, Linda Dault

     Personnel: Chair, Kate Dancer; Members, Joel Fillmore, Tom Taylor

     Stewardship: Chair, Tracy Bumpus; Member, Joel Fillmore

     Worship: Chair, Linda Dancer; Members, Cynthia Avery, Jean Buurma