The operation of the church is under the guidance of the churches elected officers
Session (Ruling Elders):
Clerk of Session: Jean Buurma
Pastor: Dr. Rev. Deborah J. Smith
Class of 2016 - Linda Dancer
Joel Fillmore
Jon Fillmore
Class of 2017 - Tracy Bumpus
Kate Dancer
Tom Taylor
Class of 2016 - Rebecca Dancer
Ella Love
John Love
Steve Zalen, Treasurer
Class of 2017 - Kaitlin Powell, Secretary
Stan Daily
Susan Daily
Christian Powell, Moderator
Buildings & Grounds: Co-Chairs, Linda Dancer & Tom Taylor
Electronics Committee: Chair, Joel Fillmore; Members, Dave Avery, Linda Dancer
Capital Campaign Committee: Chair, Kate Dancer
Christian Education: Chair/Superintendent, Linda Dancer; Members, Cynthia Avery, Jean Buurma
Congregational Care: Chair, Tracy Bumpus; Members, Joel Fillmore, Andrea Stickney
Finance: Co-Chairs Kate Dancer, Jon Fillmore; Members, Cynthia Avery, Linda Dault
Personnel: Chair, Kate Dancer; Members, Joel Fillmore, Tom Taylor
Stewardship: Chair, Tracy Bumpus; Member, Joel Fillmore
Worship: Chair, Linda Dancer; Members, Cynthia Avery, Jean Buurma